"I LIKE YOU" dat does not mean I LIKE YOU NO MATTER WHAT
the meaning is more towards this i guess..
" I like you for a second, but if you start acting like a Wuss Bag or a Dumb *ss, it will all be over in an instant."
kadang-kadang, eyh. silap. selalunya kita akan salah interpret pe yang orang lain cuba sampaikan. biasalah, lumrah manusia. takkan la tak buat silap kan. =)
9 kritikan atau pujian:
i loike!
dude, that is so true, jgn pk laen dr ape yg org sampaikan, takya nk pk belit2, what u see is what u get!
true true so very true!
kalu i like u disertakan bersama perlakuan baik romantik caring dan segala utk satu jangka masa yg pnjg, itu org pnggil ape?
semah: ni cm sequel pe ko ckp dlm klas la. =p
FA: =)
fifo: dia hanya kata 'like' not something cam 'love'.jd org itu hanya minat/suka kamu tp bkn cinta kamu. =)
yes yes yes
like n love are two different words with very different meaning. aite?
so, 'i like u' doesnt mean 'i luv u' kan? that means i just want to get to kno u better, and see wer it goes from ther. if luck's wit me, we might be more than what we are now, but if it doesnt, we'll stil be friends like we used to, so, no pressure ther. oh, ape aku mencarut ni?
fuh.couldnt agree more wit semah.so true.
haaa, btol kan barb aku aku mencarut kat ats tuh? so knape nk gebon lebeyh buat2 pelik kan?
huish.maksud nye?
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